Enhance Your Brain with Memory Improving Games

Everyone loves to play or at least loved to play as a kid but the majority of people has their inner child inside of them during their whole life. Someone use games as source of fun, someone is playing games to have a rest after a long day, sometimes people play games just to kill time in a bus. What is more, games may be a wonderful form of learning or improving ourselves in various things. We can train our perception, logical thinking, ability of decision, multitasking and countless other skills. The one of the most important thing which we can improve is our memory. But the important question is: Do memory improving games really have such power? Read more

Chimpanzee Fun Facts: The Brain of A Chimpanzee

Do you think that humans are superior to chimps? Scientists from Japanese Primate Research Institute revealed amazing chimpanzee fun facts which may suprise you!

When scientists compared the brain of a chimp with that of a human, they found that chimps had an extraordinary ability to recall numerals better than even adult humans. Previously, they believed that the brain of a chimp is inferior to the human brain. Read more

Brain Shrinkage Causes

It has been observed over the past 20,000 years that the volume of the brain has reduced to 1350cc from 1500cc. Researches by a team at Bristol University tried to discover the brain shrinkage causes and find out, whether the brain shrinkage continues further in the future.

It is the speed with which we make decisions that matter during life-threatening situations. In pre-historic ages, when man was almost similar to a wild animal, attacks by ferocious animals were the issue of concern. On the other hand, in the present-day scenario, saving oneself from a car accident can be a comparison to that. Read more

Test – 10 Food That Can Boost Your Brain! Do You Know Them?

Food is an important part of our life, which influences our physical health and psychological well-being. Do you know what food can boost your brain and enhance your memory? We have a short test for you, where you can find out which food is simply the best and why! Read more

Male vs Female Brain – Are They Really Different?

Male vs female brain – that is what divides researches in their opinions regarding the fact whether the male brain and the female brain is significantly different or not.

In the 19th century, some researches claimed that they could determine the sex of a human being just by observing the brain. However, today it is believed that there is no basic difference between the brain of a male and that of a female.

When the scientists learnt to take brain scans, they tried to differentiate male vs female brain. The disparities found were less significant and largely environment-dependent. However, they help to portray a binary image of the brain. One of these differences is that men have a large amygdala (a region associated with emotions) as compared to women. Read more

Memory Improvement Tip: Facing Problems Remembering Things?

If you are looking for some memory improvement tip, you might be interested in researches conducted in University of Notre Dam. These researches reveal that students who go off to sleep immediately after learning something, have a greater ability to remember it.
Sleep helps in remembering whatever students have studied and enhances the declarative memory. Read more

Teenage Behaviour: Adolescent Depression and Anger Management

A research conducted by University of Melbourne and Orygen Youth Health Research Center reveals that the brain develops differently in adolescents suffering from depression. How the brain evolution affects teenage behaviour? What provokes the adolescent depression and anger?

Adolescence is the stage when the brain develops in all aspects. Hence, in this stage, a huge development in cognitive, social and emotional behaviour of an individual is found. Parents often complain that their son or daughter is behaving in a different and negative manner. Anger management for teens becomes very difficult, though. Read more

Human Brain – Different Facts You Should Know

Human brain is the major part of the central nervous system. It receives information from sensor organs and sends instructions to the different parts of the body. What are some basic facts you should know about human brain?

The functions of various organs in the body depend upon the brain. It is seat of intelligence and memory. It is enclosed by a bony skull and protected by a fluid. Have you ever wondered what it consists of and how it works?? Read more

Ayurvedic Supplements for the Natural Enhancement of Brain and Memory

You might be living in the dark if you are unaware of brain enhancing supplements. No, this not some miracle of a new age technology, but it is rather an ancient science from India which has existed and thrived since thousands of years. Did уоu knоw herbal remedies were used back in the day to treat memory problems? Now, thanks to the internet, similar herbal remedies are аvаilаblе online tо assist those in need. So, whiсh herbal remedy serves аѕ thе bеѕt cure fоr treating poor memory? Read more

4 Brain Enhancement Tips for Your Brain and Memory

Juѕt search оn thе Internet, “How tо enhance brain memory?” аnd уоu will bе showered with a number оf techniques, brain enhancement tips, books аѕ wеll аѕ games thаt explain hоw tо improve уоur brain power. Sоmе оf thеm аlѕо include balanced nutrition, physical exercise аnd аlѕо ѕоmе complex mental exercises.

Thе question iѕ hоw mаnу оf uѕ асtuаllу dо ѕоmеthing tо improve brain functioning. Whо starts tо gо jogging еvеrу morning, сhаngе thеir diet, оr асtuаllу incorporate mоrе оf fiber аnd omega-3 fatty acids? Mоѕt оf uѕ dо not, еvеn thе оnеѕ whо аrе аt risk оf gеtting health problems likе stroke. Read more